Saturday, 29 June, 2024

Unarmed Combat Programme Accreditation Assessment

The accreditation assessment will be held on 19 November 2006 at the National Training Centre from 9.00am.  Candidates have been informed of the timing.

The assessment will comprise the following:

  •  Interview to determine your understanding and knowledge of unarmed combat.
  •  Performance of unarmed combat skills

                – Locks and holds (Level 1)
                – Throws and breakfall techniques (Level 2)
                – Defence against an assailant with short stick (Level 2)
                – Defence against an assailant with knife or long pole (Level 3)
                – Self-defence techniques in different situations (Instructor Level).

If you have any queries, please contact Lim Teong Chin at 63451491 during office hours.

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