Saturday, 8 March, 2025

Darren Tang Heads the Parents’ Committee

Core members of the Parents’ Committee had a meeting with Mr Milan Kwee, President of the Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF), on 7 August 2007 at the STF Secretariat.

Mr Kwee spoke about the functions of the Committee before going on to suggest, among other things, that it could consider organizing a taekwondo camp for children.

Those present including Mr Louis Koh and Mr Mohamed Sahabdin, parents of children who are tournament players, unanimously agreed that Mr Darren Tang was the best person to helm the Committee.

Mr Tang thanked the members for their confidence in him and said that he would call for a meeting soon to discusss on the organizing of the camp. What’s more, he hoped to recruit more members into the Committee.

The one and a half hour meeting proved to be productive as several new ideas bounced off each other. One of which was to arrange special taekwondo training sessions for parents whose children are in the sport.

Parents who are interested in joining the Committee may contact Mr Darren Tang through the STF.

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