Tuesday, 23 July, 2024


Having a Better Chance to Pass

Candidates will certainly have a better chance of passing their grading if they attend the Grading Preparation Workshop. Why? After the workshop, the candidates will know exactly what the examiners, who will be conducting the grading and the workshop, are...

Taekwondo Coaching (Level 1) Results

84 participants took their tests after attending 20 hours of theory and practical lessons stretched over two weekends. In view of the number, the participants were divided into 8 batches. The first six batches were evaluated on 3 and 4...

Another Workshop Following Two Successful Sessions

More than 200 participants attended the New Poomsae Workshop held on Saturday 10 January 2009 at the National Training Centre. Besides learning the philosophy embedded in the new poomsae, the participants were taught the goal of poomsae training and the...

Two Courses Oversubscribed

The Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) Coaching Committee had to readjust the test schedule for the Taekwondo Coaching Course (Level 1) and arrange for another session for the Poomsae Workshop because of overwhelming response. The Coaching Course attracted 84 participants. The...

Poomsae Coach Results

The poomsae coach course held on Sunday 7 December 2008 attracted 26 participants. Only 22 out of the number made the grade. The course was conducted by Tan Kok Heng, the Secretary of the Coaching Committee. It covered what the coaches...

First Training Camp Proves Rewarding

On 17, 19 and 22 December 2008, 30 young taekwondo exponents from Acme TKD, J H Kim TKD, Maris Stella TKD Club, Valour TKD and Woodlands TKD participated in the inaugural Youth Training Camp. The activity was inspired by...

New Poomsae

Two poomsae, Combined Basic Movements for White 10 and Basic Taegeuk for White 9, will be replaced next year by Introductory Taegeuk and Preliminary Taegeuk respectively. Following feedback from Ng Hwa Ann, STF Grading Chairman and several coaches that the...

Announcement of Course Results Delayed

The results of the Taekwondo Coaching (Level 2) Course will be announced in a week’s time or longer. It is necessary to delay the announcement of the results because time is required to iron out some administrative issues and moderate...

Youth Training Programme

The Singapore Taekwondo Federation is organizing a Youth Training Programme with a view of identifying players who have the potential players to represent Singapore in the international competitions including the Youth Olympic Games and launching a Youth Development Programme. The...

Poomsae Coach Course for Blackbelt 7 December 2008

The Poomsae Coach Course will be organized to qualify blackbelts as poomsae coaches or to provide blackbelts the first step towards being full-fledged poomsae coaches. Poomsae Coach Certificate (Level 1) will be issued to those with a Level 1 NCAP...

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