Thursday, 13 March, 2025

A Great Demonstration By World Best

“It was a great show!”


“Lucky, we did not miss the event.”

“The show  was worth seeing.”

“It was an eye opener.”

These were some of the comments made by spectators at the Korean Taekwondo Spectacular 2005 held on 12 November at the Toa Payoh Sports Hall.

The hall was jam-packed with spectators anticipating awesome performances from the Korean National Taekwondo Demonstration Team. They were not disappointed as the team displayed one breathtaking stunt after another.

Each performance was greeted by enthusiastic applause and appreciative screams. The atmosphere was simply electrifying.

Before the commencement of the great show, HE Ryu, Kwang-sok, Ambassador of the Emabassy of the Repubilc of Korea, present Mr. Milan Kwee, President of the STF, an assortment of taekwondo equipment on behalf of the World Taekwonod Federation.

It was to celebrate the continued inclusion of taekwondo in the Olympics and to promote greater appreciation of the sport in Singapore.

The STF would like to put on record its appreciation to the following for the memorable moments, contribution and support.

– HE Ryu, Kwang-sok
  Ambassador of the  Embassy of the Republic of Korea
– Korea Taekwondo Association
– Liang Seng Sports Equipment Pte Ltd
– All Affiliates
– All well-wishers

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