The Singapore Taekwondo Federation fielded a small but dynamic contingent of 60 participants for this year’s Chingay Parade which was held on 22 and 23 February 2013 at the F1 Pit Building. The group included 4 Koreans from the World Taekwondo Federation Peace Corps.

The fluid taekwondo dance movements were choreographed by Mr Daniel Kim who had been appointed recently as the Vice-Chairman of the Demonstration Committee.

Mr Tan Cheng Hui, Demonstration Committee Chairman, who supervised the overall performance said: “I was happy with the performance considering that the participants did not have much time to practice because the music for the other groups in our segment came in quite late. We could work on the steps only after we received the music. Our performers have to work overtime to learn the steps and achieve good co-ordination.”

All our participants enjoyed the experience and were glad that they volunteered to be part of the taekwondo group in the event.
(More photographs are available at the Singapore Taekwondo Federation Official Gallery on Facebook.)