Saturday, 15 March, 2025

Coach Induction Course (6 April 2016)

A few coaches have approached the Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) to have an induction course to be conducted specially for them so that they could qualify for the coach passes in time for the National Inter-School Taekwondo Championships.

After due consideration, the STF  has agreed to have a session for them.  It will be held on Wednesday 6 April 2016 at 9.00am at STF Conference Room.

The other coaches should take advantage of this opportunity to join in the course as there are many competitions ahead for this year.  It is onerous and not time effective to organise the course for a few participants before each tournament.   

Please call the Secretariat at 6345 1491 by Tuesday 5 April 2016 to register.  Payment may be made before the commencement of the session.

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