In order to help grade 1 (senior and junior) and higher candidates prepare for the grading, the STF will be organizing a grading preparation workshop.
The details of the workshop are as follows.
Date : Sunday 9 December 2007
Time : 9am to 12noon
Place : National Training Centre (NTC)
Dress Code : ‘Dobok’
Certification : Certificate of Participation
Fee : $30
Closing Date: Monday 26 November 2007
The registration form is attached.
The programme includes mock grading and talks on candidates’ responsibilities and examiners’ expectations.

The activity, which will be run by senior examiners, will be beneficial to members who want to know what they must do to achieve success in the grading. For candidates who wish to find out in detail why they fail, the workshop is a good place for them to get the answers.

Please note that parking is free at the NTC on Sunday.