Friday, 14 March, 2025

Hyun Wows

Lim Hyun, a taekwondo graduate from Kyung Hee University and Principal of Hyun Taekwondo Academy, wows almost 60 participants in the first ever Demonstration Workshop organized by the Singapore Taekwondo Federation. The workshop held on 26 April 2009 at the National Training Centre saw Hyun performing some of the most difficult taekwondo moves.

Of course, Hyun was not at the workshop to impress the participants. He was there to reveal the secrets of performing the skills. And he did an excellent job through his unique style of teaching which was easy to follow and fun to learn. It was no wonder that he started as a stranger to the participants and ended as a well-liked and respected instructor.

Most importantly, at the end of the sessions – one for the juniors and another for the seniors – all the participants were able to perform some of the challenging skills which they could not at the beginning. Many of the participants experienced how it felt like to do a jumping back flip.

For the junior participants, they tried out their newly acquired skills on demonstration planks. While some were more successful than others, all broke their planks.

STF President Milan Kwee who observed the training for the seniors was visibly glad that the participants showed a lot enthusiasm while the instructor demonstrated tremendous energy. He said: “It is great to see everyone including the instructor enjoying the workshop.”

When he asked the participants if they had benefited from the workshop, the unison response was: “Yes!”

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