Sunday, 9 March, 2025

Kyorugi Referee Refresher Results

The results of the Referee Refresher Seminar held on 30 August 2015 at the National Training Centre have been tabulated and moderated.  For example, we have reduced the passing bar to 70% for scoring test and provided greater allowance for passing for the theory test.

The retest will be held as follows at 7.30pm at the National Training Centre.

–  Wednesday 2 September 2015

–  Thursday 3 September 2015

–  Friday 4 September 2015

Participants may choose one of the above date for the retest.

The fees for the retest shall be $20 per component.  It will be payable at the National Training Centre before the start of the retest.

Please be reminded that only those who had successfully completed the seminar will have their licences to officiate extended by a year.

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