The coach seminar, held once every three years as a mandatory requirement for coaches who wish to renew their coach passes, will be conducted on Sunday 16 March 2014 from 9.00am to 1.00pm. The venue will be confirmed at a later date.
The tentative program for the seminar is as follows.
– Opening Address
– Talk on ‘Taekwondo Dobok’
– Talk on ‘Role of Coaches in Anti-Doping’
– Talk on ‘Success in Managing Sports Enterprise’
– Talk on ‘Taekwondo Coaches and the Law’
– Tallk on ‘Taping for Taekwondoin’
– End of Seminar
The dress code for the seminar is ‘Dobok’. All participants will receive a certificate of participation.
For those who wish to have their coach passes renewed, the fee is $100 inclusive of renewal of their coach passes for three years.
Club leaders and other black belts may attend the event for their general knowledge. The fee is $60. Black belts who participate in the seminar will not be required to attend the coach induction course if they decide to apply for a coach pass subsequently.
The registration form is attached and the closing date is 28 February 2014. To deter late submission, a late payment fee of $30 will be imposed after the closing date. On the spot registration will be $150 (coaches) and $110 (club leaders and other black belts).