Tuesday, 23 July, 2024

More Poomsae Referees Have Their Skills Upgraded

11 poomsae referees attended the poomsae referee refresher course held on 28 April 2007 at the National Training Centre. That brought the total number of poomsae referees who had attended the series of refresher courses to 33.

The latest batch comprised the following.

  • Jonathan Poon
  • Wong Peidi
  • Lim Xianjuan
  • Lai Han Seng
  • Ernest Cham Meng Thong
  • Quak Soon Meng
  • Jonathon Kho
  • Ng Lee Noi
  • Lee Yen Yen
  • Samuel Tan
  • Chow Pak Hoong

The course conductors were glad that the participants had shown improvements in their judgment and poomsae performance. More importantly, they were impressed with their learning attitude.

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