The results for the NCAP (Level 2) Technical Course are attached.
Please take note of the following.
– Theory
The retest will be held on Saturday 1 October 2016 at 1.30pm at the STF National Training Centre.
– Practical
Presentation and YPI are both under the practical component. Unsuccessful participants are to contact the testers directly to arrange for their retest – Mr Lai Han Seng (presentation) at hanseng@tkd-singapore.com and Mr Leon Koh (YPI) at coachleonkoh@gmail.com by Monday 26 September 2016.
Those who are interested in the retest must call the STF Secretariat at 6345 1491 by 5.00pm on Monday 26 September 2016 to register. Payment may be made at the venue before the retest.
The fee is $20 per component. On the spot registration for those those who have not registered is $30 per component.