Thursday, 13 March, 2025

Referee Refresher Course Results

The Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) is aiming to bring the standard of referee to that of the players and coaches.  One of the areas which need attention is the understanding of the interpretations of the rules.

For example, all referees understand that a penalty has to be given for, say, crossing the boundary line.  However, the STF is concerned with the referees’ understanding of the application of the rule.  Why?  Inconsistent applications of the rules will lead to controversies.  And it is not healthy for the sport.

The outcome of the theory test conducted at the seminar gives a compelling reason why the STF should put in more effort towards the education of its referees.

The results are attached.

A review session will be conducted at the STF National Training Centre on Friday 23 August 2013 from 7.30pm onwards.

Referees who are interested to attend the review must call the Secretariat on 6345 1491 to register.

The review fee of $20 may be paid on the day of the review. On the spot, registration is $30.

Those who obtained provisional pass must be present as there are a number of questions they need to know the correct answers.  Otherwise, their licence will not be renewed.  They will not be required to pay the review fee.

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