The following participants have successfully completed the Sparring Course (Level 1) held on 13 & 14 June 2017 at the STF National Training Centre.
1. Lee Wen Hui (Induk TKD)
2. Ng Chee Peng (LTA TKD)
3. Chua Lai Chye (Nee Soon TKD)
4. Ong Jen Sen (Nee Soon TKD)
5. Say Choh Funn Christopher (Nee Soon TKD)
6. Tee Chin Loong Andy (Nee Soon TKD)
7. Tey Liang Jin (Nee Soon TKD)
8. Zheng Jing Xuan (Nee Soon TKD)
9. Soh Wan Hui (Raiders TKD)
10. Low Sze Hong Bryant (Taekwondonomics)
11. Pan Jiun Yit (Vosper TKD)
Successful candidates will be exempted from sparring when they go for their 1st to 2nd poom/dan grading.