Wednesday, 12 March, 2025

Taking the Lead

Chin Khee Shin, Steven Soh and RA Jeyaraman believe that in putting their money where their mouths are.

Despite their seniority in the sport, they continue to keep themselves abreast of the latest development. 

On 11 January 2008, they attended the Poomsae Refresher Course for Senior Examiners conducted by Lim Teong Chin who is a 1st class International Poomsae Referee and has officiated in the 1st and 2nd World Poomsae Championships held in 2006 and 2007 respectively. The 3rd World will be staged some time this year.

Said Chin: “We cannot tell our juniors what to do if we are not updated ourselves. I am glad to note that most, if not all, STF coaches are keen to learn the latest development in the sport.”

Just like the rest after them would do, the three taekwondo veterans went through both the theory and practical sessions which lasted three hours.

Lim said: “Poomsae competition has a short history. Therefore, it will take a bit of time for poomsae technical development to mature. In the meantime, there are still rooms for improvements. Coaches who do not continue to keep up with the latest will be left behind.”

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