Both coach briefing sessions conducted on 27 and 28 October were attended by almost 200 coaches. By their presence, they demonstrated their interest in keeping abreast with the latest development and wanting to improve themselves further.

After all, the aims of the sessions were to update them on the effort of the Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) to enhance their status and professionalism and inform them of their rights and responsibilities as coaches.

Among other things, they were reminded to always act in the best interest of taekwondo participants, act responsibly and act with integrity.
Said Lim Teong Chin who briefed the coaches: “Only coaches who undertook to observe the code of conduct will be issued a tournament coach pass. The pass will reflect the holder’s professionalism, rectitude and compassion.”
He added: “The STF wishes to produce the best coaches – coaches whose primary aspiration is only to help develop better human beings. The participants deserve them and no less.
“From the responses of the coaches at the briefings, I am confident that the target is achievable.”
To help coaches develop better players, the STF took the opportunity to encourage them to recommend their better trainees to join the national training squad. If they had any fear that they would lose their students, it was effectively allayed as they were assured that the players would be allowed to remain in the squad only if they continued to be members of their clubs.