Thursday, 13 March, 2025

Three More Qualified for Level 2

It had been a long and hard road for three participants in the recently concluded Taekwondo Coaching (Level 2) course. After completing the 22-hour course and three rounds of tests, they made it.

There were

–          Cheok Kai Hwee Eileen

–          Teo Johnboy John

–          Tan Wei Leong Jason

The three successful candidates had shown the determination and spirit of the sport to overcome the challenges.

Said Lim Teong Chin who was one of the assessors for the tests: “They deserved to pass simply because they had expressed the right attitude. On top of that, they had shown the willingness to learn and improve. If they continue to do so, they can go far in coaching and their students can only benefit from their guidance.”

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