The Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) introduced centralized grading for Grade 1 to Poom Belt in the recent grading on 5 January 2008. It expected some teething problems. But it was surprised that the grading turned out better than it expected.
STF Grading Chairman Ng Hwa Ann and his hardworking volunteers deserved credits for organizing the event well.

Generally, the grading was conducted smoothly. The few complaints received during the grading were beyond the control of the Grading Committee. They were caused by the absence of a few club instructors and information that was not handed down to the candidates.

It is important for club instructors to be present to guide their students during the grading. Candidates and their parents do not understand the grading arrangement and system. Therefore, it can be quite frustrating for them to try and make sense of what is being done in their interest.

In any case, it is the responsibility of all club instructors to take care of their students. Hence, there is no excuse why they are not there for them during their crucial promotion tests. As the STF is confident that all club instructors are supportive of their students, they will all be present at the next grading.
In the grading, quite a number of candidates were not informed of the staggered hours. The long waiting hours angered some parents. This could be avoided if the candidates had been informed. Club instructors are urged to make every effort to ensure that all candidates are aware of the grading schedule.
The STF would like to put on record its thanks to all affiliates for their support which contributed to the efficient running of the grading.