Please note the following information which is useful to candidates. Coaches who have ideas for the improvement of any aspect of grading are requested to submit their suggestions to stkdf@mail.com for consideration by the Grading Committee.
Unarmed Combat
The Board of Examiners would like to remind candidates requiring to perform unarmed combat as part of their promotion requirements to use only taekwondo techniques. If candidates have to use techniques from other martial arts like Judo, Brizilian Juitsu, Krav Maga, etc, our examiners will assume that they (the candidates) do not know any taekwondo unarmed combat techniques or are able to perform the skills. Under the circumstances, the candidates will fail the test.
Taekwondo is an excellent form of unarmed combat. It is rich with effective and powerful techniques. Therefore, there is no reason for using techniques from other martial arts.
During the recent grading, one candidate was completely silent during the interview segment. It was later discovered that she could not understand English. She spoke only Mandarin. Candidates or their coaches must inform the examiners if the candidates wish to respond in any other language. Candidates who are dumbfounded by any question may also ask for clarifications. If they feel like a nervous wreck, they may ask for time out.