Friday, 14 March, 2025

Replacement of Grading Cards

The Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) noticed that some clubs kept replacing the grading cards of their members. They would attach a copy of the result sheet to the new cards to prove the grades of the candidates.

In the recent grading, a club replaced more than twenty cards. A few of the candidates were holding only White 9 grade.

The STF Management felt that the practice should stop and be discouraged.

From the next grading, all replacement cards must be endorsed at the office before the grading. There will be an administrative charge of $20 per replacement.

Candidates will still be graded if they present unendorsed replacement cards during the grading. However, their grades will be validated only after their earlier grades are confirmed. The administrative fee for the late endorsement is $30.

Grading cards for new members continue to be available free to affiliated clubs.   

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