Tuesday, 4 March, 2025

Update on the coming Grading

Due to the elevated set of safe distancing measures (circuit-breaker) announced on the 3rd April 2020, the Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) will be making adjustments to the online grading process that was announced on 29 March 2020 (http://www.stf.sg/grading/2167-online-grading-during-suspension-of-activities-from-27-march-30-april). These adjustments will help our members to continue to pursue their sporting aspirations while not compromising their safety and the social distancing measures that has been set in place.

These adjustments will affect SENIOR RED 1 and above (up till 2nd dan going to 3rd dan) who were grading on the 18th April 2020. Instead of “live” grading, candidates will now submit pre-recorded videos of their performances.

Candidates are to submit their pre-recorded videos based on the following guidelines.

  • Ensure all components as listed in the table below are recorded.
  • The candidates can send separate videos for each component but each component performed has to be taken in one video (one take) without any editing.
  • If the candidate wants to, each poomsae can be taken separately but each poomsae has to be taken in one video (one take) without any editing.
  • For shadow sparring, candidates need to demonstrate 5 different tactics and techniques.
  • The videos need to be compiled into 1 video before submission.
  • The compiled video are to be submitted to stf.grading@gmail.com via dropbox, google drive or wetransfer. Do not email the video directly to stf.grading@gmail.com. You will receive an acknowledgement within 1 day. If you do not receive an acknowledgement, your video has not been received.
  • Please note that only grading videos wil be allowed to stf.grading@gmail.com and no queries will be entertained if sent to this email.
  • To allow candidates more time to prepare and record the videos, candidates are allowed to submit their videos no later than 30 April 2020 (inclusive).
  • If the candidates need help sending the videos, coaches are encouraged to assist their candidates by helping to collate the videos. This should be done remotely and online without breaching the elevated set of safe distancing measures (circuit-breaker) announced on the 3rd April 2020.
RankPoomsaeBasic KickSparring
Senior Red 1 to 1st DanTaeguek 8
(candidate choose 1 out of Taeguek 5, 6 or 7)
360 Turning Kick followed by Back Thrust

2 times forward, turn around, 
2 times back
Shadow Sparring 

45 seconds to 1 minute
1st Dan to 2nd Dan*Koryo
(candidate choose 1 out of Taeguek 5, 6, 7 or 8)
(candidate choose 1 out of Taeguek 1, 2, 3 or 4)
NILShadow Sparring 

45 seconds to 1 minute
2nd Dan to 3rd Dan*Keumgang
(candidate choose 1 out of Taeguek 5, 6, 7 or 8)
(candidate choose 1 out of Taeguek 1, 2, 3 or 4)
NILShadow Sparring 

45 seconds to 1 minute

* For 1st dan and 2nd Dan, self-defence component will exempted, however, candidates may be required to attend an unarmed combat course. 

Please note that the online grading process will remain the same for other candidates (e.g. red belts and below, junior red 1 and higher). Furthermore, due to the closure of the STF office, results for the 176th grading may be delayed. We thank you for your kind understanding and hope that the fraternity continue to co-operate closely during this period.

For further queries, please email or contact Mr Sebastian Lee, Head of Grading Department at stkdf@mail.com.

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