The World Taekwondo Federation invited participation from all its member national associations in the following:
- 6th International Poomsae Referee Seminar (24 to 27 June 2006)
- 2nd International Poomsae Seminar for Coaches (28 and 29 June 2006)
The events were held at Korea National Sport University, Seoul, Korea. While the referee seminar attracted 95 participants from 22 countries, the seminar for coaches was attended by 78 participants from 24 countries.

5 senior taekwondo exponents from Singapore attended both the seminars. They were Lee Thiam Huat, Chow Pak Hoong, Tan Cheng Hui, R. Jeyaraman and Lim Teong Chin.

The seminars covered poomsae competition rules and interpretation, the principles of poomsae movements and a lot of practice.
Our participants found the scoring system which was based on accuracy and presentation fascinating. Electronic controls were used to record penalties.
The final scores of all judges would be flashed on the board at the end of the performance. It was interesting to note that although the scores of the judges were not far apart they might not be necessarily correct.

The next seminar on poomsae would probably be held before the World Poomsae Taekwondo Championships scheduled for 4 to 6 Septemtber 2006.