Wednesday, 12 March, 2025

WTF’s 32nd Anniversary

The World Taekwondo Federation, (WTF), established on 28 May 1973, celebrated its 32nd Anniversary on 19 July 2005 at Dynasty Hall, Hotel Shilla, Seoul, Korea.

It was also an occasion to celebrate the re-election of Dr. Choue Chungwon as the President of the WTF.

Singapore was represented by the Federation’s President and General Manager. During their visit to Korea, they took the opportunity to touch base with many other officials, Mr. Um Voon Kyu (President, Kukkiwon), Mr. Song Sang-Keun (Vice-President, Kukkiwon), Mr. Park Hyun-Sup (Director, Kukkiwon Academy), Mr. Daewon Kang (Vice Chairman, ATU) and Prof. Lee Kyu Seok (Secretary General, ATU).

The President and General Manager also interacted and networked with their counterparts to learn about the development of the sport in their countries.

Before their return, they witnessed the presentation by 3 vendors of their respective electronic protectors at the Grand Peace Hall, Kyung Hee University. As they saw it, further improvements had to be made to the equipment before it could be adopted.

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