Friday, 7 March, 2025

Announcement Of Open Selection Trials 2021


The Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) will be conducting a series of selection trials to identify promising athletes to participate in the national squad training to prepare for championships in 2021 and 2022.  All affiliates are invited to nominate their athletes to participate at the first of these selection trial for both Kyorugi and Poomsae events.

A tentative list of championships (subject to confirmation) that STF is planning to participate are as follows:

  • Online 2021 World Taekwondo Poomsae Open Challenge (I), (G4, March 2021)
  • 6th Asian Taekwondo Poomsae Championships, (G4, 19 April 2021)
  • Online 2021 World Taekwondo Poomsae Open Challenge (II), (G4, June 2021)
  • Kimunyong Cup International Open Taekwondo Championships, (G1, 11 August 2021)
  • Online 2021 World Taekwondo Poomsae Open Challenge (II), (G4, September 2021)


The Open Selection Trials milestone dates are as follows:

18 FebruaryPosting of Selection
26 FebruaryClosing of Registration for Open Selection Trial
6 & 7 MarchOpen Selection Trials (Public & Current Squad Members)
10 April1st Closed Selection
15 MayFinal Selection for SEA Games Athletes
5 JuneBoard Approval for submission to SNOC

Athletes who are selected at the Open Selection Trials on 6 March and 7 March 2021 shall be invited as members of the Development Squad.

A final selection exercise may be conducted for each individual championship nearer to the actual competition from within members of the Development Squad.

STF reserves the right not to send athletes for these competitions due to athletes’ performances or safety reasons.

Due to the Covid-2019 situation, the selection trials will be split across two days (Technical and Physical). Furthermore, the selection trials will be split into different sessions per day based on the number of athletes registering for the trial.


Technical Component Trial: Saturday, 6 March 2021


Trial session: 8.30AM to 12.30PM

Weigh-in : To be done at the start of the session.

Age Groups : 12 to 14 years old (Cadet)
15 to 17 years old (Junior)
18 years & above (Senior)

Assessment :Performance of sparring against selected opponents

Attire : STF approved Dobok
Equipment : KPNP or Daedo head gear and chest protector.

Athletes have to bring their own personal equipment which can include foot protectors.

For equipment provided by STF during the trial, we will sanitize and clean the equipment after each use. For foot protector, please bring your own due to hygiene purposes and to minimize sharing of equipment.


Trial session: 1.00PM to 4.00PM

Age Groups:
a. Below 12 years old (Development) – Taegeuk 4 to Keumgang
b. 12 to 14 years old (Cadet) – Taegeuk 4 to Keumgang
c. 15 to 17 years old (Junior) – Taegeuk 4 to Taebaek
d. 18 to Under 40 years old – Taegeuk 6 to Shipjin
e. 40 to Under 50 years old – Taegeuk 8 to Chonkwon
f. 50 and above – Koryo to Hansu

Assessment : Performance of basic techniques and stances

Poomsae Attire: STF-approved Dobok

Freestyle Poomsae

Trial session: 4.00PM to 5.00PM

Age Groups : 12 to 17 years old – Individual, Pair, Mixed Team
18 years old and above – Individual, Pair, Mixed

Team Assessment: Performance of freestyle Poomsae

Attire : STF-approved Dobok

Equipment : Athletes to bring own sound track and sound system
(i.e. phone + speakers)

Physical Component Trial: Sunday, 7 March 2021

Trial session : 8.00AM to 12.00PM, 2.00PM to 5.00PM
Attire : Sports Attire

Venue : To be confirmed


The panel of selectors will comprise any 3 of the following senior technical members and the National Coaches (Mr Henry Tan & Ms Lee Na Lee). The number of selectors may be subject to change on the actual day.

  • Mr Steven Soh
  • Mr RA Jeyaraman
  • Mr Lee Thiam Poh
  • Mr Tan Kok Heng
  • Mr Tan Cheng Hui
  • Mr S. Sinnathurai
  • Mr Lai Han Seng


All participants must be SINGAPORE CITIZEN and are STF Poom or Black Belt holders.

All Athletes are required to complete and submit the attached forms in the Annexes and email to Secretariat at by Friday 26 February 2021, 6.00PM:

a. National Selection Trials (To be completed by Affiliates)
b. Athletes Undertaking Form (To be completed by Athlete)
c. Informed Consent for Participation in Sport Science Support form
(To be completed by Athlete)

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