Friday, 14 March, 2025

Congratulations to Mr Chong Chih Chung International Kyorugi Referee

The Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) would like to congratulate Mr Chong Chih Chung for attaining the qualification of 3P Class International Referee at the 124th International Kyorugi Referee Seminar conducted by the World Taekwondo that was held in
Bangkok, Thailand.

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Singapore Taekwondo Federation for the opportunity and support for this seminar and all International Referees of STF who have guided us and impart the skills and knowledge to us with patience… We hope with this new
appointment we can continue to contribute and support our local referees …” (Chong Chih Chung)

It is our hope that more Singapore national referees will come forward to be International Referees as the referees make the taekwondo competitions possible.

Congratulation once again and we wish Mr Chong all the best!

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