Wednesday, 12 March, 2025

Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) 2024 Results Announcement

Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) is pleased to announce that the EGM was successfully held on Sunday, 9 June 2024 at 7.30pm at STF Bedok National Training Centre.

The EGM have voted and passed the following three special resolutions:
Agenda 2 – Amendment to STF Constitution Clause 3.1 The place of business of STF shall be at 7 Bedok North Street 2, Singapore 469646 or such other place as may from time to time be decided by the Board, subject to the approval of the Registrar of Societies. STF shall carry out its activities only in places and premises which have written approval from the relevant authorities where necessary.

Agenda 4 – In-principle approval for approval of purchase above $250,000.
Agenda 5 – In-principle approval for proposed utilisation of STF reserved funds amount $250,000 to up to $800,000.

The EGM have also voted and did not pass the following special resolution:
Agenda 3 – To approve amendment to STF Constitution Clause 22.3 Counting from the year 2020, Board Members may serve a maximum of eight (8) consecutive years on the Board and upon reaching this tenure limit, shall only be eligible for re-election or re-appointment to the Board after a lapse of at least two (2) years

The Board would like to thank all our Affiliates and Authorised Delegate Representatives in taking time to attend and support the EGM conducted.

The Board looks forward to your continuous trust and support by our Taekwondo community, Singapore National Olympic Council and Sport Singapore in the months ahead as we work towards delivering a successful inaugural Singapore 2024 World Taekwondo Virtual Championships together while celebrating STF’s 50th anniversary this year.

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