Wednesday, 12 February, 2025

Gradual opening of the STF Secretariat Office


Requirements for Safe Management Measures at the workplace (by the Ministry of Manpower)

  1. The tripartite partners (MOM, SNEF, and NTUC) have updated the workplace safe management measures (as at 7 July 2021) to allow greater flexibility for businesses, while mitigating the risk of widespread COVID-19 transmission.
  2. While the safety and well-being of our Staff is priority, we will also strive to maintain delivery standards and support for our Stakeholders (Affiliates, partner agencies, Athletes, Coaches, Parents and members of public).
  3. We are pleased to announce that our STF Office will be gradually opened with effect from Monday, 12 July 2021.

Operating Hours (wef 12 July 2021)

Days: Mondays to Fridays

Time: 1000hrs to 1700hrs

Safe Management Measures (for strict compliance)

  1. Everyone must adhere to prevailing workplace Safe Management Measures and are subjected to the following requirements:
  • WEAR MASKS AT THE OFFICE: Everyone at the STF office including staff, visitors, suppliers and contractors, must wear a mask properly secured.
    • OBSERVE GOOD PERSONAL HYGIENE: e.g., wash their hands regularly and refrain from touching the face.
    • Take care of the workplace
      • All employees and visitors must check-in and check-out of the STF office using SafeEntry (with the TraceTogether app or token) to help MOH establish potential transmission chains.
      • Visitors who are unwell/having fever upon temperature screening) will be refused entry.
      • Visitors who are unwell will reschedule their appointments or be served via alternate means
  • ADHERE TO TRAVEL ADVISORIES: Please adhere to MOH’s prevailing travel advisory.
    • ENSURE CLEAR PHYSICAL SPACING OF AT LEAST 1 METRE through physical means and demarcation of safe physical distances (at least 1m apart) 
      • Between all persons at the Office; and
      • At all times during work-related events held at the workplace.
      • We will only meet Visitors via PRIOR APPOINTMENT
      • Limit to only maximum of 2 visitors at any one time
      • Limit time spent by visitors at the STF office to 45 minutes

This information will be made available at the STF Website, Main door of STF Office; and via email to all affiliates. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we ensure a safe office environment for all.

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