Friday, 28 February, 2025

Interim Management Committee Update (19th June 2019) And Postponement Of 43rd Annual General Meeting

As per the resolutions passed at the EGM held on 19th May 2019, the Management Committee (MC) has since stepped aside for the Singapore National Olympic Council to oversee the management of the STF.

On 29th May 2019, the MC was invited by Dr. Tan Eng Liang, Chairman of the Interim Management Committee (IMC) for a discussion on how best the IMC will work with the STF MC to achieve an optimal development of Taekwondo in Singapore.

Among other issues discussed, it was announced that four sub-committees will be formed by the Interim Management Committee (IMC) to review the policies and processes of the STF.

  • HIGH PERFORMANCE: This sub-committee will be chaired by Mr Mark Chay, Chairman of the SNOC Athlete Commission and Mr S. Sinnathurai, a former taekwondo national athlete who had won gold at the SEA Games and also a bronze medalist at the Asian Taekwondo Championships
  • OFFICIALS: This sub-committee will be chaired by Dr Tan Eng Liang, Chairman of the IMC and Vice President of the SNOC.
  • CONSTITUTION GOVERNANCE:This sub-committee will be chaired by Mr Toh Boon Yi, Chief of Singapore Sports Institute, Sport SG.
  • SUB-COMMITTEES: This sub-committee will be chaired by Mr Chris Chan, Secretary General of the SNOC and shall look into improving STF’s sub-committee structures.

The sub-committees will continue to be supported by a secretariat made up of officials from the SNOC and Sport SG and officials who are familiar with taekwondo. Members of the current STF MC are also invited by Dr. Tan to join these sub-committees to ensure that the final review will be exhaustive and collaborative.

Based on the above plans, the following are proposed.

1. As per the constitution, the AGM was to have been held by 30 June 2019 but in light of the need for the IMC to review the constitution, the AGM will be postponed.

2. The IMC has advised that once the constitution review is completed, an EOGM will be held by 30 September 2019 to pass the amendments to the constitution.

3. Once the Registry Of Society approves the Constitution amendments, the 43rd Annual General Meeting and Election will be called by 30 November 2019 and held in accordance with the amended constitution.

We seek your kind understanding and support for the above changes and especially for the AGM postponement. STF affiliates will be notified again if there are any changes to the proposed EOGM or AGM dates. STF affiliates may email the Secretariat at by 28th June 2019 if they have any concerns or queries in this regard.

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