Wednesday, 12 March, 2025

It’s an Exciting, Fun and Memorable Celebration

More than 1,000 guests comprising taekwondo well-wishers and members celebrated the 38th anniversary of the Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) on 23 June 2012 at Orchard Hotel.

Among the who’s who at the function were the guest of honor, HE Mr Oh Joon (Ambassador of the Republic of Korea), Mr Kris Wiluan (President of Asean Taekwondo Federation), Mr Yang Jin Suk (Chairman of the World Taekwondo Federation Academy), Mr Roy Rajasingham (Vice-President of the Olympic Council of Malaysia, Prof Lau Teik Soon (Founder President of the STF) and Mr Denis Ng (Prof Lau’s successor).The presentation of awards followed the speeches made by the Dr Ho Mun Wai (Organizing Chairman), Mr Milan Kwee (President of the STF), Mr Yang Jin Suk and HE Mr Oh Joon. After that it was show and fun time.  The list of award recipients is as follows.

Certificate of Appreciation

–  His Excellency Mr Oh Joon

   Ambassador of the Republic of Korea

–  Mr Yang Jin Suk

   Chairman of the WTF World Taekwondo Academy

–  Mr Lioe Nam Khiong

   STF Patron

Honorary Black Belt

5th dan black belt

–          Mr Kris Wiluan

–          Mr Lawrence Leow

–          Dr Lau Teik Soon

–          Mr Denis Ng

3rd dan black belt

–          Ms Jessie Phua

–          Mr Nah Juay Hng

Certificate of Appreciation

–    Mr Leong Kok Kee

–          Mr Daniel Kim

–          Mr Leon Koh

The shows were put up by the National Demonstration Team, the National Kyorugi Squad and Voguelicious (a professional dance group). In between the shows, Justin Misson, the Master of Ceremony for the evening, drove the crowd into fits of laughter with his quips and antics. For those who drank, it seemed that the more they drank the funnier the jokes. And the drinkers demonstrated it by laughing themselves hoarse!

It was prize galore for everyone. Some lucky ones walked home with one of the top prizes which included a return business class ticket sponsored jointly by Asiana Airlines and Korean Association in Singapore and 3 iPads. But more importantly, no one went home empty handed. Everyone was given a bag of door gifts comprising, among other things, a limited edition STF mug.

It was a memorable night for those who had the privilege of attending the event. They had such a ball of a time that there was request for the STF to celebrate its anniversary yearly. Well it would be food for thought for the Management Committee.

Vist the Singapore Taekwondo Federation (Official Gallery) on Facebook for more photographs.

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