Instead of the usual shouts which accompanied kicks and punches, screams were heard at the National Training Centre on 26 December 2008.
No, no one was tortured or badly injured.
It was that time of the year when members of the training squad and the Assisi warriors celebrated Christmas at the place they sweat to prepare their mind and body for battle. They were joined by their family members and members of the Management Committee including Mr Milan Kwee, President of the Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF).

To the adults at the party, it was fun just watching the children having the time of their lives. Some of them were sporting enough to participate in the games which were created by the organizing committee comprising members of the training squad.
In the past, such event was organized for them. But this time, the Welfare Committee decided to leave it with the young ones to develop their leadership potential.

Muthiah s/o Ponmani, headed the organizing committee. He and his members – Tessa Tang, Jason Tan, Keith Ong, Michelle Ong and Wesley Ong – did very well. It looked like they had a permanent job.

Said Mr Kwee: “The party was well-organized. I am happy that the organizing committee proved worthy of the trust given to them by the Welfare Committee.”
The next event, the Chinese New Year Celebrations, would be held on 30 January 2009 at 7.30pm at the National Training Centre. All affiliate coaches are invited. Please confirm your attendance with Jolene, Theresa or Rosalind at 6345 1491.
As your confirmation is required for us to arrange the catering and other logistics, we will deem that you will not be attending the function if we do not hear from you by 20 January 2009.