Wednesday, 12 March, 2025

Juggle Studies and Sports Successfully at the Republic Polytechnic

The School of Sports, Health, and Leisure (SHL) of the Republic Polytechnic (RP) has successfully delivered the Diploma in Sports and Leisure Management (DSLM) programme in the Singapore Sports School since 2010. This programme allows graduates of the Singapore Sports School to continue to participate in high performance training at the Singapore Sports School while pursuing a diploma. Notable athletes who have benefitted from this programme include national elite athletes Isabelle Li (Table Tennis), Javier Tan (Bowling), Marc Ong (Golf) and Sasha Christian (Wakeboarding), etc.

Hosted by Dr Ho Mun Wai and Dr Alex Ong
from the School of Sports, Health and Leisure
Sat, 10 Jan 2015 ●  11am to 12.30pm
Lecture Theatre E5 @Republic Polytechnic

Find out more to help you make informed decisions about a meaningful sports education. Come and discuss your plans to incorporate a balance between sports and studies in your long-term athletic development pathway.


Amos @ email: 63698913

RP is pleased to inform that leveraging on the above success, they have set up a sports class for DSLM to be delivered within the Republic Polytechnic itself. This will allow national and developmental athletes who are not from the Singapore Sports School to also benefit from the programme. The unique feature of this sports class is that the schedule of lessons will be conducive for athletes to train and compete in sports, while at the same time, pursue a diploma that is recognised by the industry and for further studies.

They are organising an information and dialogue session on Saturday, 10 January 2015, 11am. This is specially catered for high performance team staff and officials of the NSAs, as well as elite student-athletes and their parents. This initiative aims to alleviate the anxiety of parents committing their children to the rigorous demand of sports training, especially at the competitive level.

Those who are interested may call the number listed in the above poster for more informaiton.

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