Friday, 14 March, 2025

Kyorugi and Poomsae Players Wanted for International Tournaments

The Singapore Taekwondo Federation is preparing players for a number of taekwondo championships for the next two years. The tournaments include the following.

  • World Qualification Tournament for the Youth Olympics Games in 2014 (Kyorugi)
  • World Cadet Taekwondo Championships in 2014 (Kyorugi)
  • World Poomsae Taekwondo Championships in 2014
  • Asian Taekwondo Championships in 2014 (Kyorugi & Poomsae)
  • Asean Taekwondo Championships in 2014 (Kyorugi & Poomsae)
  • World Taekwondo Championships in 2015 (Kyorugi)
  • Asian Junior Taekwondo Championships in 2015 (Kyorugi & Poomsae)
  • SEA Games 2015 (Kyorugi & Poomsae)

We would like to invite players, who aspire to excel in the either of the disciplines of the sport, to join the national squad so that they will stand a better chance of being selected for the numerous competitions.

Current squad members

Training time is flexible – that is, players may arrange with the Korean coach, Mr Choi Daeho, to train any time. However, they have to meet the required training hours for the week through reasonable training schedule. For example, 12 hours of training a day to cover one week’s requirement will be deemed to be unacceptable. At least 3 training sessions over 3 days a week are expected.

If you are interested to join the squad, please call Jolene, Theresa or Rosalind at 6345 1491 to register after you have obtained the blessings from your coach.

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