Tuesday, 4 March, 2025

Moving into Phase Two of Re-opening (Update 1)

Please see the latest updated Advisory For Resumption Of Sport And Physical Exercise & Activity For Phase Two (“Safe Transition”) by Sport SG published on 17 June 2020.


The Singapore Taekwondo Federation will issue our advisory shortly based on above and the other guidelines and measures that we have previously advised you to review and take guidance from (http://stf.sg/news/local-news/moving-into-phase-two-of-re-opening/). These and other advisories from relevant authorities should be considered when you come out with your safe management plan for your re-opening.

SportSG has advised that affiliates can resume their activities as long as they adhere to the existing advisories.

We will publish STF’s advisory once it has been reviewed and approved by SportSG. Please check back for the latest update.

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