Thursday, 13 March, 2025

Mr Kwee Remains at the Helm

The Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) held its annual general meeting on Saturday 18 June 2011 at the National Training Centre. 90 voting representatives from 60 affiliates attended the meeting.

Among other things, STF President Milan Kwee highlighted the significant progress made by the organization. He pointed out that it was possible because of the co-operation and support of the affiliates and urged them to continue working together to further enhance the profile of STF and the sport.

After the business of the general meeting including the election of 5 members for the incoming committee was completed, the 14 members (4 co-opted, 5 reserved and 5 elected) met to elect office-bearers for the new term. The following line-up was decided.

President                   :          Mr Milan Kwee

1st Vice-President     :           Dr Ho Mun Wai

2nd Vice-President    :           Dr Lee Chee Wee

Hon Secretary           :           Ms Wong Liang Ming

Asst Hon Secretary   :           Mr Tan Kok Heng

Hon Treasurer           :           Ms Ng Lee Noi

Asst Hon Treasurer   :           Ms Katherine Lok

Members                  :           Mr David Koh

                                            Mr Tan Cheng Hui

                                            Mr Lee Thiam Poh

                                            Mr Ng Hwa Ann

                                            Mr Thomson Tan
                                            Mr Lai Han Seng                                               
                                            Mr Lee Thiam Huat

Ms Girlene Tan and Mr Lian Ah Lek were elected as internal auditors while Mr Steven Soh (former 1st Vice-President) and Mr RA Jeyaraman (former 2nd Vice President) were appointed Advisors to STF President.

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