Friday, 14 March, 2025

Nature Walk

What has nature walk to do with taekwondo? Read on.

The Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) Welfare and Social Committee under the leadership of Mr Tan Kok Heng will be organizing a MacRitchie Tree Top Walk to nurture team spirit and family and community bonding among taekwondo members through nature walk.

It is also to provide an opportunity for taekwondo members to have a deeper appreciation of nature and a greater understanding of the need to protect the natural environment.

Although it has nothing to do with taekwondo, it has a lot to do with what the STF is trying to do for its members. The nature walk can and will contribute to the development of taekwondo members as better citizens.

The event is subsidized by the STF and open to all members of affiliates and their families. The details are as follows.

Date                            –           11 November 2007 (Sunday)         

Time                           –           8am to 12noon

Fee                             –           $3.00 per person

Walk Distance           –           7km

Refreshment/Meal     –           Drinks and lunch are provided

Closing Date             –           10 October 2007

The registration form is attached.

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