After the Annual General Meeting on 19 July 2008, the Management Committee comprising 4 co-opted, 5 reserved and 5 elected members unanimously agreed to the following line-up.
President : Milan Kwee
1st Vice-President : Steven Soh
2nd Vice-President : RA Jeyaraman
Hon Secretary : Wong Liang Ming
Asst Hon Secretary : Arlene Lim
Hon Treasurer : Ng Lee Noi
Asst Hon Treasurer : Lee Thiam Poh
Members : Tan Cheng Hui
Ng Hwa Ann
Robin Chow
David Koh
Peter Lim
Tan Kok Heng
Jimmy Tay
The new faces in the Committee were Arlene, David, Peter and Jimmy. The last Committee members who were not in the new Committee were Lim Keng Leong, Edmund Tan, Nordon Lim and Tan Beng Hua.
While recording his thanks to the outgoing members for their contributions to the organisation, STF President Milan Kwee reminded those seeking to join the Management to be prepared to sacrifice their time, effort and resources.
He said: “There is a lot of work for members of the new Management Committee if they wish to move the STF a notch up in its development. As I see it, all members of the Management must have that desire and that desire must be translated into action. Otherwise, they have no business sitting on the Management.”
During the meeting, STF President also thanked all affiliates for making the progress of the STF possible and urged them to continue supporting the organisation.