Following the successful completion of the Open Selection Trial 2021 on Saturday, 6 March and Sunday, 7 March 2021, this is an update on the conduct of the Physical Component Assessment to be held.
In consideration of the requirement to put in place COVID-19 safe management measures, the group size limit and the venue capacity and availability, we have planned for the Physical Component Assessment of the Open Selection Trial to take place by detailing the athletes into two separate groups over two days.
- Friday, 12 March 2021, Evening Session – Current STF Development squad
- Saturday, 13 March 2021 Morning Session – All other Athletes who participated at the Open Selection Trial 2021
Below is a summary of the Venue, Reporting Time and Session timing for the Physical Component Assessment as follows:

The detailed grouping for the two days and name list are in Annexes 1 and 2.
Athletes are to arrive at the Venue based on the reporting time to register their attendance, comply with Safe Management Measures (“SMM”) and prepare themselves for the physical test.
Please see Annex 3 for the location of the Sportshub, OCBC Arena.
Other highlights:
Listed below are Physical Component assessment items:

Attire: Sportswear with sports shoes.
Water Cooler: Athletes are to bring your own bottle as water cooler at the OCBC Arena is strictly for refilling purpose only.
For athletes who sustained injury at the Open Selection Trial on Saturday, 6 March 2021 or Sunday, 7 March 2021 and not able to participate at the upcoming Physical Component Assessment, please submit your doctor’s memo to be excused from the physical assessment to by Friday, 12 March 2021, 12.00PM.
In addition, please see the list of COVID-19 requirements that will be implemented for your attention and compliance:
- Only athletes will be allowed entry to the venue based on attendance nominal roll in Annex 1 and 2. We apologize that coaches, athlete parents and other relations shall not be allowed entry to OCBC Arena Hall 5 due to venue capacity limit arising from COVID-19 compliance measures currently in place.
- Athletes & workforce are required to comply with SMM (i.e., safe entry, temperature taking etc.) at the point of entry to the venue.
- All attendees are required to wear mask & observe safe distancing measures when at the Physical Component Assessment.
- Once the athlete has completed his/her physical test, the athlete is required to exit the OCBC Arena expediently after freshening up at the rest room, if required.
- Individuals who have taken a swab test prior to the event, who are unwell, on Leave of Absence due to medical condition and Stay-Home Notice shall be declined from participating at the sessions for the well-being of all participants.