Wednesday, 12 March, 2025

Simply a Fantastic Anniversary Celebration

The Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) 34th Anniversary Dinner was meant to be a quiet, simple, no-frills event for sponsors, well-wishers, volunteers and officials and key members of the organizations. But it did not turn out that way.

The event was grand, lively and lots more. It was indeed a memorable one for all who had the privilege to be there. Many of those present had already registered their interest to attend the next anniversary function organized by the STF.

Here is a peek at what happened that the evening.

The event was graced by distinguished personages whom the Federation President, Mr Milan Kwee, identified in his speech as silent heroes of the organisation. They included the following.

Ambassador Kim JoongKeun
Mr Ng Ser Miang
  • HE Kim JoongKeun (Ambassador of the Republic of Korea), the guest of honour,
  • Mr Ng Ser Miang (Singapore’s Ambassador to Hungary and Norway and a member of the International Olympic Council),
 Mr Kris Wiluan
Mr Oon Jin Teik
  • Mr Kris Wiluan (President of the Asean Taekwondo Federation and Patron of the STF),
  • Mr Oon Jin Teik (CEO of the Singapore Sports Council),
Mr Lawrence Leow
Prof Tan Cheng Han
  • Mr Lawrence Leow (Chairman and CEO of Crescendas Group and Patron of the STF),
  • Prof Tan Cheng Han (Senior Counsel, Dean of the Law Faculty of the National University of Singapore and STF Advisor),
 Mr David Lau
Dr Lee Chee Wee
Mr Leon Khoo
  • Mr Lim Kim Hai (Chairman of Lynk Biotechnologies and Executive Chairman of Regional Express, Australia’s largest listed regional airline),
  • Mr David Lau (Managing Director of Precious Time),
  • Ms Jennifer Seah (Brand Director of Precious Time),
  • Dr Lee Chee Wee (CEO of Lynk Biotechnologies) and
  • Mr Leon Khoo (Chairman of Kenso Leasing).

Mr Kwee also revealed that he managed to secure two corporate sponsors for the matching grant offered by the Singapore Sports Council.

Certificates of appreciation and awards were presented. All the distinguished personages mentioned above received the certificates of appreciation. The following are the other recipients.

Certificate of Appreciation (for the support, contribution and guidance of the organisation in its propagation of the sport)

Liang Seng Sports Equipment Pte Ltd
People’s Association
  • Liang Seng Sports Equipment
  • People’s Association

Special Recognition Award (for going the extra mile for the organisation)

Lee Thiam Poh
Ng Hwa Ann
Merly Laperme
  • Lee Thiam Poh
  • Ng Hwa Ann
  • Merly Q Laperme
Tan Cheng Hui
Jimmy Tay Lay Soon
Yap Gin Yee
Yap Jim Cheng
  • Tan Cheng Hui
  • Tay Lay Soon, Jimmy
  • Yap Gin Yee
  • Yap Jim Cheng

Certificate of Recognition (for clubs which have actively supported the programmes of the organisation)

 Acme Taekwondo
Aljunied CC
Assisi Hospice
  • Acme Taekwondo
  • Aljunied Coummity Centre
  • Assisi Hospice

Certificate of Recognition
 (for clubs which have successful propagated taekwondo in Singapore)

 J H Kim Taekwondo Institute Singapore
 St Teresa Taekwondo
  • J H Kim Taekwondo Institute Singapore
  • Paya Lebar Kovan Community Club
  • St Teresa Taekwondo

Best Player Award (for disciplined athletes who have achieved and displayed sportsmanship)

Jason Tan & Lanetar Quek
  • Jason Tan Junwei (Male)
  • Lanetar Quek Yu (Female)

The Assisi Hospice took the opportunity to present the STF the “Star of Hope” trophy in recognition of its belief in the Assisi Taekwondo Warriors and making their stars shine brightly.

Star of Hope

Mr Kwee received the trophy on behalf of the STF from Sister Linda Sim.

After the formalities, dinner was served. Apparently food was the last thing in the crowd’s mind.

A wild night

They went wild participating in the various party games.

A mesmerising night
An electrifying night

Then they were awed by the electrifying performances by the National Demonstration Team.

 A hilarious night

The skit put up by the team was hilarious.

A great night!

“Awesome”, “fantastic”, “wonderful”, “incredible” and other superlatives were used by those present to describe the event. What a great night!

(Photographs courtesy of Mr Dicky Ong & Mr Chow Pak Hoong)

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