Wednesday, 12 March, 2025

Singapore Taekwondo Federation 46th Annual General Meeting 2023

The Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) 46th Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Sunday, 17 September 2023, 7.30pm at Toa Payoh Sports Hall.

Thank you for registering your delegate to a􀆩end the AGM. The delegate registration has closed on 13 September 2023, 5pm.
The programme on the day of AGM, 17 September 2023, is as follows:

6.45 pm: Registra􀆟on & Refreshment
7.30 pm: Commencement of AGM
*8.30 pm: End of AGM

A gentle reminder that registered delegates are required to bring their ID to attend the AGM. Delegates without registration and/or ID, will not be allowed to attend the event. In addition, no replacement of delegates will be permissible and your understanding on this matter is appreciated.

We look forward to your presence at the STF 46th AGM.

*To be advised

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