Wednesday, 5 March, 2025

Taekwondo with a Heart Programme – Support It

Under the Taekwondo with a Heart Programme, the Singapore Taekwondo Federation is supporting the book ‘Finding Happiness Against the Odds’ by Wesley Wee.

Wesley Wee, born with cerebral palsy, had endured a tortuous life.  He grew up deprived of Love and was physically, verbally and emotionally abused from childhood.

His parents could not accept his condition and was ashamed to accept him.  They believed that he was born disabled because of some past sins that someone in the family had committed. His father who was with the military was of the conviction that, with strict discipline, he could  cure his son.  He made him walk around the house and would not let him have his dinner or go to bed before completing the rounds.

Wesey took five years laboriously typing with his right big toe three to four hours every night to complete his book.

The self-published 68 –page book traces his struggle with cerebral palsy as a child, his suicidal tendencies and how he turned his life around.  He hopes his story can inspire everyone everywhere.

The STF is supporting the book which is on sale at $20.  Members are encouraged to place orders with the STF through its email at

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