Thursday, 13 March, 2025

The Passing of Former STF President

Mr John Lim, the 8th President of Singapore Taekwondo Federation, passed away on 21 March 2013.  Some members of the taekwondo community who knew of his untimely death was shocked and saddened by it.

Mr Lim took over from Mr Roger Teo, who wanted to spend more time on his business venture, in 1997.  He was then the best man for the job because of the leadership experience he had in the army.

During his tenure, Mr Lim placed greater emphasis on coaching development because he believed that coaches had a strong influence over the future of the sport.

After playing his part in the development of taekwondo, he handed the rein over to Mr Milan Kwee, the incumbent President, in 2005.

On behalf all members of the Singapore Taekwondo Federation, we wish to extend its deepest condolences to his bereaved family and apologizes for the late posting of this news because it received the information at a bad time.

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