Thursday, 13 March, 2025

WTF President’s Private Visit

Dr Choue Chungwon, President of the World Taekwondo Federation, was on a one-day private visit to Singapore. Although he was not scheduled to meet any local officials, he kindly agreed to have dinner with the newly installed members of the Management Committee of the Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF).

STF President Mr Milan Kwee with WTF President Dr Choue Chongwon
STF 1st Vice-President Dr Ho Mun Wai with WTF President Dr Choue Chongwon
STF 2nd Vice-President Dr Lee Chee Wee with WTF President Dr Choue Chongwon

During the occasion, Dr Choue was introduced to the members by Mr Milan Kwee, STF President and informed of the development of taekwondo in Singapore. The WTF President was also briefed on the future direction of the STF.

Members of the Committee were impressed with Dr Choue’s humility and friendly disposition. They felt honored to be given the opportunity to have their pictures taken with him and looked forward to welcoming him to Singapore either privately or in his official capacity.

After all, the taekwondo community in Singapore looks up to Dr Choue has its family member.

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