Saturday, 15 March, 2025

2021 National School Games Taekwondo Championships Technical Officials (Poomsae Referee)

We are pleased to announce that the National School Games (“NSG”) is back this year. 

As a landmark collaboration with MOE, this serves as a call out for our Technical Officials (Poomsae Referee) to be part of this year’s NSG..

Due to COVID-19, this year’s NSG refereeing shall be through the review of video recordings of the students’ performances.

Video analysis judging will take place from 17 to 20 May 21 at PSOEB, 20 Evans Road. The reporting time for all the days will be at 7.30AM. In addition, there will be two session of video analysis judging. You may choose to stay for both session or pick a session.

Session 1: 8.00AM – 1.00PM

Session 2: 1.00PM – 6.00PM

Due to the strong sign-up expected for this year’s competition, we will require  20 Technical Officials daily. Please state in your email which session you will like to attend.

Qualified referees with valid Poomsae referee licence who are keen to sign up as Technical Officials (Poomsae Referee) and be part of the 2021 National School Games may submit your application (Annex 1) via email to Friday 7 May 2021, 6.00PM.  We regret that we are not able to include any late submission for registration.

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