Friday, 14 March, 2025


We are pleased to announce that the National School Games (“NSG”) is back this year. 

As a landmark collaboration with MOE, we would like to shout out to all STF’s Technical Officials with Poomsae Referee qualification to join us and be part of this year NSG actions!

The competition format for this NSG (Junior) will be reverted back to pre-covid arrangement.

Live judging will take place from 18 to 20 July 2022 at MOE HQ, 53 Mount Sinai Rd, Singapore 276880. There will be two session of live  judging. You may choose to stay for both session or pick a session.

118 July 2022Session 2
219 July 2022Session 1 & 2
320 July 2022Session 1 & 2

Session 1: 8.00AM – 12.30PM

Session 2: 1.00PM – 5.00PM

We will require 21 Technical officials with Poomsae Referee qualification daily (18 July – 20 July 2022) due to the strong sign-up expected for this year NSG competition. Please state in your email which session you will like to attend.

Qualified referees with valid Poomsae referee licence who are keen to sign up as Technical Officials (Poomsae Referee) and be part of the 2022 National School Games (Junior) may submit your application via email to Deadline for submission will be on Friday 8 July 2022, 5.30PM. 

In addition, interested Technical Officials (Poomsae Referee) will have to be fully vaccinated (2 Dose + Booster) and will have to show proof of vaccination when required.

We regret that we are not able to include any late submission for registration.

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