Wednesday, 12 March, 2025

2nd in Asian Cities Gold Cup

Singapore finished second in the female division of the 11th Asian Cities Gold Cup Taekwondo Championships which attracted 16 teams from 8 countries including powerhouses in the sport like China, Chinese Taipei and Iran.

The tournament held on 3 and 4 March 2007 in Hongkong allowed our players the opportunity to assess their skills among some of the best players in the region. They did well and had 2 gold, 1 silver and 5 bronze medals and the second overall title to show for their efforts.

The two gold medals came from Lanetar Quek and Tessa Tang.Lanetar was in her elements when she kicked her way impressively, furiously and courageously to the final. Standing between her and the gold medal was the current SEA Games medalist from Malaysia. She was not intimidated by her opponent’s reputation or fine performance during the run-up to the meeting.

Drawing from her bag of tricks, Lanetar forced her opponent to make some uncharacteristic mistakes in order to score. When the bell signaled the end of the match, Lanetar was comfortably ahead. She triumphed 3-1.

In contrast, Tessa seemed to have it easier although she had a Taiwanese to contend with. The Taiwanese was determined to stop Tessa from taking the crown. But alas her determination was no match for Tessa’s tactics. She coolly chalked up the scores and ended the match 7-0 midway through the third round. According to the competition rule, a match had to be stopped and the winner declared if there was a 7-point gap.

The silver medal was contributed by Dawn Ang.                                                

Dawn met the current SEA Games gold and Commonwealth silver medalist in the final. She knew that she had to give her all to give the Malaysian a good fight let alone beat her. Although she did that, the Malaysian had answers to everything Dawn threw at her. The result: 2-0 in her opponent’s favour.

The 5 bronze medals came from Jason Ong, Low Chuan Kai, Stella Lim, Joyce Lim and Jason Tan.

The success of the team could be attributed in no small part to the encouragement and support of Ms Ng Lee Noi (STF Treasurer), Mr and Mrs Darren Tang (parents of Charlotte and gold medalist Tessa), Mdm Ow Yong Lay Heok (Nicholas Lau’s mother), Michelle Ong (Jason Ong’s sister), Merly Laperme (Club Coach) and Vanessa Lau (Nicholas Lau’s sister) who were there for the players.

Singapore Flagbearers

Coach                      –           Wong Liang Ming

Players (Male)           –           Nicholas Lau

                                                Hong Jia Wei

                                                Jason Ong

                                                Vincent Chua

                                                Woon Yong Chuang

                                                Low Chuan Kai

                                                Ang Heng Teck

                                                Sherman Wee

                                                Samuel Lee

                                                Jason Tan

Players (Female)      –           Stella Lim

                                                Lanetar Quek

                                                Joyce Lim

                                                Dawn Ang

                                                Charlotte Tang

                                                Tessa Tang

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