Saturday, 15 March, 2025

National Inter-School Taekwondo Championships & National Inter-Primary School Taekwondo Championships

New Form

The weight categories given in the registration form (F4c) for the National Inter-Primary School Taekwondo Championships (Junior Division) are incorrect. Please use the new form which is attached.


The following will give a clearer picture of the various age groups for this year’s competition.

  • Junior Colleges and Secondary Schools

A Division                  :           Born from 2nd January 1989 to 1st January 1992

B Division                  :           Born from 2nd January 1992 to 1st January 1995

C Division                  :           Born from 2nd January 1995 and younger

  • Primary Schools

Senior Division          :           Born from 1st January 1996 to 31 December 97

Junior Division           :           Born from 1st January 1998 and younger


Weigh-in will be conducted on the competition day to make it convenient for players. In view of this, players are not required to be present on the registration day.

Players must make the weight for the weight categories they have been registered to compete. Any player who is over or under weight on the day of the competition will be disqualified. There will be no weight allowance.


The grades for ‘kyorugi’ competition shall be based on the results of the April 2009 grading instead of January 2009 grading. This is in response to numerous requests from coaches to give newly promoted red belts a chance to participate in the event.

Coaches are reminded to produce grading cards or certificates of participants for verification during registration. If the cards have to be submitted to the Singapore Taekwondo Federation, coaches are required to produce photocopies of the cards as proofs of the participants’ grades.

(Please note that the above guidelines on weigh-in and eligibility will supersede all rules pertaining to the matter.)

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