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Another Competition Opportunity Open to Affiliates


The Singapore Taekwondo Federation has been invited to participate in the 7th CK Malaysia Classic 2013 which will be held from 23 to 25 August 2013 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.  The tournament is sanctioned by Taekwondo Malaysia, the governing body for taekwondo in Malaysia.

If your club is interested to field a team for the tournament, the full details are attached.

Participating clubs would be responsible for all matters and expenses pertaining to the competition.

Invitation to Attend Certificate Presentation Ceremony


The Singapore Kindness Movement, together with the Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF), will be presenting a certificate of appreciation to Mr Choi Dae Ho in a simply ceremony in recognition of his act of kindness.

Members of STF are cordially invited to attend the ceremony which will be held on Wednesday 20 February 2013 at 4.00pm at the Ministry of Culture, Community & Youth, 140 Hill Street #05-01, Old Hill Street Police Station Singapore 179369.  The invitation is attached.

Please call the STF Secretariat at 6345 1491 by 5.00pm today if you are interested to attend the ceremony.

A Great Party


More than 130 members turned up for the annual Chinese New Year Party which was held on 15 February 2013 at the National Training Centre. They comprised Management Committee members, Sub-Committee members, club leaders and coaches, grandparents and parents, TEAMgOLD members, National Squad members and more.

The other members of the WTF Taekwondo Peace Corp also received a certificate and trophy each in recognition of their contribution to the promotion of taekwondo.

After the simple ceremony, the event continued with food, fun and games. Food and tidbits were generously served. However, they did not seem to be the main attraction as the attendees were distracted by the scintillating taekwondo demonstration, the fun games, the many prizes and the generous lucky draws. For the not so young, it was the company and the drinks which they brought for the ‘happy hours’.

It was a great party which saw a record number turning up since the event was inaugurated almost ten years ago.

Taekwondo Community Worldwide Relieved


Before the International Committee Executive Board (IOC EB) met on 12 February 2013, taekwondo and modern pentathlon were in danger of being dropped from the 26 core sports for the 2020 Summer Olympic Games. From the grapevine, taekwondo was the likelier of the two.

Although the taekwondo community was quietly confident that taekwondo would remain in the Games after the sport was impressively showcased in the 2012 London Olympics, it was putting its finger crossed as anything could happen.

The World Taekwondo Federation (WTF) had done its best to live up to the expectations of the IOC but the other sports might have done better.

Nevertheless, the WTF had done all it could. It changed the competition rules and introduced modern technology to make the sport safer, more appealing and entertaining and attractive to the media. It also aligned its philosophy to the requirements of IOC in terms of universality and good governance.

The taekwondo community was relieved when it was announced by the IOC that taekwondo was selected as one of the 25 core sports. Wrestling, one of the sports that had been featured since the start of the Olympics, was dropped.

The decision of the IOC EB will be presented at the 125th IOC Session in September 2013 for ratification. It will most likely be approved. In the meantime, the taekwondo community could be delighted that the hard work of the WTF was recognized.

Grading Preparation Workshop 3 March 2013


The next grading preparation workshop will be held as follows.

DateSunday 3 March 2013
Time 2.30pm to 5.30pm
VenueSTF National Training Centre
Blk 80 Lorong Limau#04-191
Singapore 320080
Dress Code‘Dobok’
CertificationCertificate of Participation
FeeOn or before Thursday 28 February 2013 – $30.00On the spot registration – $50.00(Fees paid are not refundable unless the application is rejected.)

The workshop is open to red (senior and junior), poom and black belt holders.

The primary objective of the workshop is to point out to participants their performance flaws and the areas they should work on from the examiners’ perspective.  This will give the candidates a better chance of passing.

During the workshop, participants will be briefed on the grading guidelines and the expectations of the examiners.

Coaches may use the information acquired by their students at the workshop as a basis to guide them for their grading.

All candidates who have attended the workshop are reminded to submit a copy of the certificate of participation with their grading applications.  For red (junior) and 1st poom candidates, a copy of the certificate should be attached to their grading cards.  This is necessary for the examiners to give them special consideration, if required.

The registration form is available in the Forms folder.

2nd Singapore Youth Olympic Festival Taekwondo Championships


The 2nd Singapore Youth Olympic Festival (SYOF 2013) Taekwondo Kyorugi Championships will be held on 19 to 23 March 2013 at Anglican High School .

Documents pertaining to the competition are attached.

For this year’s competition, please note the following information.

  • The organizers will not accept incomplete submission. Submission after the closing date – that is, 28 Feb 2013 (Thu) by 1600hrs – will be rejected.
  • Every participating team must provide at one referee for the duration of the championships to qualify for participation. The referee may not be the same person. For example, it is acceptable for a club to submit four referees, one each for every competition day. A club will be barred from future participation if its referee fails to fulfill his or her obligations without the approval of the Tournament Chairman.
  • Each affiliate is allowed to field in only one player per weight category per division.
  • The eligibility grade for the championships shall be based on Jan 2013 grading or the player’s last grading before Jan 2013 if he or she did not take his or her grading in that month.
  • New rules without video replay shall be adopted. This means, among other things, that points will be awarded on a graduated system.
  • Weigh-in shall be conducted on the competition day . During Weigh-in contestant shall wear T-shirt & short. However , weigh-in may be conducted in the nude if the contest wishes to do so (Inside room). There will be only one weigh-in. Players who are over weight or under weight shall be disqualified. A weigh-in machine similar to the one used for the official weigh-in shall be provided for the players to check their weight before they are officially weighed. No weight allowance will be given.
  • Male and female players are required to wear the following equipment on entering the arena: head gear, trunk protector, forearm guard, shin guard groin guard, gloves and mouth piece.

If you require any clarifications, please do not hesitate to call the Tournament Chairman, Mr Andy Lee, at 91064421 or any of the Secretariat staff at 63451491.

We look forward to your continued support and co-operation for a smooth, successful and memorable tournament.

Exciting and Rewarding Workshop


“My boy found the session exciting. It complemented the training he had in his club. I believe the workshop has motivated him to improve on his kicking techniques.” – Amir Gaa.

Amir Gaa is the father of Zachary Gaa who participated in the Sparring Workshop organized by the Singapore Taekwondo Federation on Sunday 27 January 2013. It was conducted by Choi Dae Ho and Jeong Je Young, members of the World Taekwondo Federation Peace Corps.

Jason Tan, Gan Guo Bin and Raja Zulfadli, all national players, were at hand to assist them to ensure that the participants performed the techniques correctly.

The training session provided participants an insight of some of the currently favored sparring techniques and tactics.

Said Edna Cordova: “It was rewarding for me as I learned some new skills. The three hours I spent at the workshop was worth it. It was really fun. Those who did not the session had missed a golden opportunity to update and upgrade themselves. I look forward to the next workshop.”

The workshop attracted almost 50 participants.

(The photographs were taken by Mr Ronnie Yap.)

Scintillating Performance


The kids from Induk Taekwondo were simply magnificent. They gyrated, punched and kicked their way into the hearts of the spectators at the opening ceremony of the National School Games held on Friday 1 February 2013 at Jurong Sports Hall.

They were selected to represent the Singapore Taekwondo Federation at the event after being spotted for their impressive display at the 2012 National Demonstration Tournament.

Before the kids took the spotlight, Chelsea Sim, Commonwealth Taekwondo Poomsae Champion, kicked off the demonstration with an immaculate performance of Koryo Poomsae. Her awesome high side kicks drew ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’ from the crowd.

As if not to be undone, the kids earned for themselves resounding applause every time they displayed some fanciful moves. The star of the group was 9 years old Yeo Shi Zhen. The crowd simply loved her not only for her cuteness but also her skills.

Taekwondo was one of the four sports in the school calendar featured at the ceremony to officially mark the start of the Games.

(The photographs were taken by Mr Ronnie Yap.)

Winning International Medals


Raiders Taekwondo Club returned from the 1st Phuket International Choi Young Seok Taekwondo Championships 2013 staged on 26 and 27 January 2012 in Phuket, Thailand a credible haul of medals coming from the following.


Pair Poomsae

1) Grace Chan + Gregory Chan (below blue belt category, Gold)
2) Sheryllin Tan + Dylan Lim (below blue belt category, Gold)

Team Poomsae

1) Wong Shao En + Grace Chan + Gregory Chan (below blue belt category, Gold)
2) Tan Teck Hean + Andy Tan + Poon Xiang Yuan (Poom belt category, Silver)


Marilyn Goh (female poom, 9-10yrs old, 29-32kg) – Bronze


Competition Packages for the National Schools Taekwondo Championships in April 2013


Get ready for the National Schools Taekwondo Championships which will be held at Toa Payoh Sports Hall as follows.

  • Primary Schools-22 & 23 April 2013 (Monday & Tuesday)
  • Secondary Schools-24 & 25 April 2013 (Wednesday & Thursday)
  • Junior Colleges-26 April 2013 (Friday)

All coaches are urged to encourage their trainees to participate in the event and support their participation by providing coaching services not only during normal training hours but also during the competition.

National Poomsae Referees and National Kyorugi Referees should take the opportunity to officiate in the competition to enhance their experience and earn credits for their promotion to the next grade.  More importantly, they can take it as their personal contributions to the promotion of the sport in Singapore and the life-experience of the participants.

The National Schools Taekwondo Championships are considered as one of the major taekwondo tournaments in the calendar of the Singapore Taekwondo Federation.  It warrants the support of all members especially taekwondo officials, coaches and volunteers.The competition packages are attached.