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Supplementary Grading Venues


All affiliates organizing supplementary grading are reminded to ensure that their members are aware of the grading venues.

As there are many children involved in the grading, it will be better for coaches to inform their parents in writing instead. It is also the responsibility of the coaches to make sure that all candidates, if necessary their parents, are informed.

This reminder is necessary because there are many calls from parents wanting to know the supplementary grading venues. While the Singapore Taekwondo Federation is pleased to be of assistance, it will not be able to help if parents call on weekends when the STF is not open.

Remember, your students’ interest, first.

The Meeting of Presidents


Mr Milan Kwee, President of Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) met HRH Tunku Tan Sri Imran, Taekwondo Malaysia (TM), on 11 January 2013 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Although it was the first time they met, they were very comfortable with each other as they exchanged good-natured banter almost immediately after they were introduced to each other.

The occasion: Presidential Dinner hosted by TM in honor of Dr Choue Chungwon, President of the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF).

Dr Choue was in Malaysia on the invitation of TM President to discuss on the development of taekwondo in the country. It was revealed that TM, the national governing body for taekwondo in Malaysia, had a huge following of 260,000 members and aimed to hit the 1 million mark in a couple of years.

After meeting the TM Executive Board in the morning, Dr Choue had lunch with both STF President, who is also a Council Member of the WTF, and TM President. During lunch, they discussed, among other things, the future of the sport. Dr Choue pointed out that the WTF was looking into further changes in the rules to make the sport even more appealing.

All the three Presidents had one common wish – that is for the sport to be in the list of core Olympic sports when the International Olympic Committee makes the announcement later this year.

2nd Singapore Youth Olympic Festival (SYOF) 2013


The taekwondo event for the 2nd SYOF 2013 will be held tentatively from 19 to 23 March 2013 at Anglican High School. The exact dates and number of competition days will depend on the response.

The competition is open to youths aged 14 to 17 years old (born in 1996, 1997, 1998 & 1999). It will feature only kyorugi played on a knockout system and competed in 3 rounds of 1.5 minutes each with 30 secs break in between rounds.

Please look out for more details which will be announced soon.

Chinese New Year Celebrations 2013


The President and Management Committee of the Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) cordially invite all members of the various committees – for example grading committee, tournament committee, etc, club leaders, instructors and volunteers for a Chinese New Year gathering which will be held on Friday 15 February at 7.00pm at the National Training Centre.

It will be a simple gathering which provides participants the opportunity to let their hair down, network and have fun. Food and soft drinks will be served.

If you are attending the event, please inform any of the Secretariat staff – Jolene, Theresa or Rosalind – by telephone (6345 1491) or email (stf@singapore.com). Chairmen of the various committees may co-ordinate with their members and informed the office the number from their committee coming.

Please do not just turn up. If you do, there will be insufficient food and drinks to go around. This would not be fair for those who have the courtesy to inform the organizer of their attendance.

The STF will only cater for those who inform the office that they will be attending so that there will be no wastage. Your co-operation is appreciated.

Have a great Lunar New Year!

Wish to Obtain the Professional Coach Pass?


The next coach induction course for coaches who wish to obtain the professional coach pass will be held as follows.

Date                :           Saturday 2 February 2013
Time               :            4.30pm to 7.00pm

Place              :           254A Tanjong Katong Road

                                   Singapore 437048

Fee                 :           On or before Thursday 31 January 2013 – $60.00

                                   On the spot registration – $100.00

Eligibility         :           NCAP Technical (Level 1) or Poomsae Coach Qualification

Attire               :           Smart casual or sports attire (no shorts or slippers)

On successful completion of the course, coaches may apply for the appropriate professional passes to accompany players to the competition area.

The registration form is available in the ‘Forms’ folder.

Be Prepared for the 2013 National Schools Taekwondo Championships


The National Schools Taekwondo Championships will be held at Toa Payoh Sports Hall as follows.

  • Primary Schools-22 & 23 April 2013 (Monday & Tuesday)
  • Secondary Schools-24 & 25 April 2013 (Wednesday & Thursday)
  • Junior Colleges-26 April 2013 (Friday)

All coaches are urged to encourage their trainees to participate in the event and support their participation by providing coaching services not only during normal training hours but also during the competition.

National Poomsae Referees and National Kyorugi Referees should take the opportunity to officiate in the competition to enhance their experience and earn credits for their promotion to the next grade. More importantly, they can take it as their personal contributions to the promotion of the sport in Singapore and the life-experience of the participants.

The National Schools Taekwondo Championships is considered as one of the major taekwondo tournaments in the calendar of the Singapore Taekwondo Federation. It warrants the support of all members especially taekwondo officials, coaches and volunteers.

The competition packages will be available soon.

Sparring Workshop (Basic) by Korean Coaches 27 January 2013


Two Korean coaches who are members of the World Taekwondo Federation Peace Corps will be conducting a sparring workshop for Red 1 (Junior & Senior), Poom and Dan holders.

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At the workshop, they will be sharing with participants, not only the latest sparring techniques, but also the progressive training methods to master the skills.

Details of the workshop are as follows.

Course Title               :           Sparring Workshop (Basic)

Date                          :           Sunday 27 January 2013

Time                          :           4.00pm to 6.30pm

Venue                        :           STF National Training Centre

                                                Block 80 Lorong Limau

                                                #04-191 Singapore 320080

Eligibility                    :           At least Red 1 (Junior & Senior)

                                                Good fitness level (The STF reserves the right to

                                                request proof of fitness from a medial practitioner)

Dress Code               :           ‘Dobok’

Certification               :           Certificate of Participation

Registration Fee         :           $30.00

                                            (Fees paid are not refundable unless the application is rejected)

The registration form is available in the ‘Forms’ folder.

More Members Should Follow Suit


The Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) is pleased to note that some of its clubs are living the STF pledge to be helpful.

In the last posting, Induk Taekwondo brought cheers to residents of Kheng Chiu Loke Tin Kee Home as part of its community outreach programme.

Another club, Zen Martial Arts & Fitness has been contributing to society in various ways and one of its most recent involvement is in the charity event organized by Children’s Charities Association of Singapore (CCA) which is the umbrella organization of six charities – Association for Persons with Special Needs, Movement for the Intellectually Disabled of Singapore, Singapore Children’s Society, Singapore Association for the Deaf, Spastic Children’s Association of Singapore and St Andrew’s Mission Hospital for Children.

Said Zen’s administrator, Winnie Soo: “We are pleased to be able to contribute to CCA’s effort to raise fund by putting up a spectacular taekwondo performance to entertain the crowd.”

More affiliate members are encouraged to follow the fine examples of the various clubs which have participated in projects which benefit the society.

The STF has recently adopted Chen Su Lan Methodist Children’s Home as part of its Taekwondo with a Heart programme. Mr Sunny Seow, an instructor from Poomse Club, has volunteered his services. He is delighted to see that the participants enjoy his training and are progressing well in the sport.  

Induk Taekwondo Takes ‘Training’ Beyond the Dojang


(This article is contributed by Mr Ronnie Yap, Induk Academy.)

“The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something.  Don’t wait for good things to happen to you.  If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope, you will fill yourself with hope.” ~ Barack Obama

Just a few days before Christmas 2012, twenty INDUK students, aged 6 to 14 years accompanied by our instructors and Sister Linda Sim from Team Gold, visited Kheng Chiu Loke Tin Kee Home, as part of the its first community outreach effort. The Home, located at Tampines, is a non-profit shelter, providing help and home to about 140 elderly residents, many from low income families, have no living relatives they could depend on and/or are on government welfare programmes.

In organizing this outreach programme, we hoped the children would be more socially aware; and the opportunity to interact and engage in the act of giving and helping the disadvantaged. To ensure a more grounded experience, students participated in the preparation before the scheduled visit – they baked cookies, made personalized greeting cards, sorted and packed the goodie bags to be distributed to all residents, as well as rehearsed on the entertainment performances.

On 20th December, our coaches and Sister Linda, with the students as eager assistants kicked off the day’s activities by conducting the Home’s daily morning exercise routine. The elderly residents were enthusiastic as they keenly followed as best as they could with the stretching exercises, kicks and punches. This was followed with entertainment, which included taekwondo performances like aerobics, creative poomsae and board breaking by the students and Sister Linda. The morning activities ended with a round of games played with much gusto and glee by the residents and students. However, the visit was not just fun and games – the team stayed on to help with chores like furniture cleaning and service during lunch at the home.

It was a successful outing as the students and instructors found purpose in helping and serving. Encouraged by the positive response from the team and the Home, we will continue with other outreach programmes that will engage our students in community work and the act of helping others.

(You can view more photos, compliments of Mr Ronnie Yap, on our Facebook page at Singapore Taekwondo Federation Official Gallery.)

Results for ‘Dan’ Promotion Course Retest


The results for the final ‘Dan’ Promotion Course retest held on 8 December 2012 at the STF National Training Centre are attached.

Candidates whose results are pending must make an appointment to meet the Chairman for the Board of Examiners.  They may contact the Secretariat at 6345 1491 to arrange for the meeting.  All meetings must be completed by Friday 18 January 2013.  Otherwise they would be considered as being unsuccessful in the promotion course.