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Two Chongs Promoted


Chong Chih Chung and Chong Kin Fei, not related, were promoted to 2nd and 1st class national kyorugi referee on 10 December 2012.

Both the national referees have been officiating regularly at STF-organized or STF-sanctioned tournaments.  They were promoted after meeting the requirements for promotion.


Invitation for Friendly Exchanges


The Singapore Taekwondo Federation will be having a joint-training session with a team from Kelantan followed by a friendly match on Saturday 29 December 2012 at 10.00am at the National Training Centre.

All affiliates are invited to field players for the friendly match in the following weight and grade categories.


  • Poom 43 kg – 12 years old
  • Poom 50 kg – 14 years old
  • Black 57 kg – 15 years old
  • Black 55 kg – 15 years old
  • Black 56 kg – 17 years old


  • Poom 38kg – 11 years old
  • Poom 41kg – 12 years old
  • Black 49kg –   15 years old
  • Black 63kg –   16 years old
  • Black(Female) 74kg –   17 years old

Players’ weight may differ by 1 or 2kg and their age by 1 or 2 years old.

Clubs which are interested to participate in the friendly exchanges are requested to register with the Secretariat by calling 6345 1491 and providing the information on the categories their players wish to participate.

Taekwondo on ‘Okto Live’


With the blessings of Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF), members of Hyun Taekwondo Academy gave an exciting performance in an ‘Okto Live’ programme which was aired recently.

The youtube link is as follows.

Mr Lim Hyun was given special permission to be part of the programme as he wished to redeem himself by promoting the sport and giving back to the sport in other ways.

Demo Championships Fixtures


The fixtures for the 1st National Taekwondo Demonstration Championships, which will be held on Saturday 15 December 2012 at Toa Payoh Sports Hall, are attached.

The STF wishes all participants and sepctators an enjoyable and rewarding experience at the tournament.

J H Kim Institute Nets 12 Medals in Open Championships


With the blessings of Singapore Taekwondo Federation, J H Kim Taekwondo Institute (Singapore) fielded a team for theGrand Final Speed Power Taekwondo (WTF) & Start Kick Demolish Taekwondo (WTF) Open Championships 2012. The event was held on 18 November 2012 in Simpang Renggam, Johor.

The team comprised students from two branches of the Institute – Bukit Timah and Toh Tuck. They went there to participate in the kyorugi and breaking events for experience and exposure. But they came back with a rich harvest of medals.

The medals came from the following.

Jumping Side Kick (Male 13-17 years old)

  • Laurence Church-Gold
  • Brian Chua-Silver

Jumping Side Kick (Male 12 years old and below)

  • Ewan O’Neill-Gold

Jumping Front Kick (Male, 12 years old and below)

  • Benjamin Chen-Silver
  • Ewan O’Neill-Bronze
  • Calum Smit-Bronze

Jumping Front Kick (Female 12 years old and below)

  • Tabitha Leong-Gold
  • Blenda Wisen-Silver

Kyorugi (Male 9 years old and below)

  • Oleg Chaykun-Silver
  • Sean William Smart-Silver
  • Gleb Chaykun-Bronze
  • Sebastian Tan-Bronze

(This article was contributed by Mr Lai Han Seng, Chief Instructor, J H Kim Institute Bukit Timah Branch.)

2-year Restriction for Red Belts


Apparently many members are not sure of the definition of the two-year restriction for red belt holders who want to participate in the ‘Kyorugi’ competition.

Here are some examples which will provide clarity to the rule.

The rule does not apply to you if you are a red belt holder for two or more years but

  • have not participated in any competition,
  • have not won any medal in any competition with more than four players,
  • have competed as a junior and are registering as a senior or
  • have not competed for the last five years.

However, you are not allowed to participate in any tournament once you finish among the top four in any competition with more than four players.

Your coach will be required to declare that you are free from the restriction. Disciplinary action will be taken against your coach if the declaration is subsequently found to be untrue.

13 More Coaches Upgraded


The results of the Poomsae Coach Upgrading course retest held on Monday 19 November 2012 at the NTC are as follows.

Upgraded to Level 2 / 2P

  • Koh Bee Kian
  • Loo Chee Meng
  • Masaaki Kawanishi
  • Mok Li Hao
  • Mok You Qiang Ivan
  • Morrica Murield Valerie (2P)
  • Ong Hui Ping
  • Teo Lye Hock Alvin (2P)
  • Thiong Chee Seng

Upgraded Level 3

  • Chong Kin Fei
  • Goh Puay Yeng Timothy
  • Li Derong Eric
  • Teo Yeow Hong

It has been decided to give unsuccessful participants another chance on Tuesday, 11 December 2012 at 7.30pm to make the grade.

Those who are interested in the review must register with the STF by Friday 7 December 2012. The fee is $20 and on the spot registration is $30.

Selection Trials for Asian Cities Tourney

The Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) will be conducting open selection trials for the 16th Asian Cities Gold Cup Taekwondo Championships which will be held from 22 to 24 February 2013, Hong Kong.

The selection (kyorugi only) details are as follows.

Date                :           Sunday, 16 December 2012

Venue             :           STF National Training Centre

                                    Block 80 Lorong Limau


                                    Singapore 320080

Time                :           Weigh-in         –           11.00am

                                    Trial                –           12.00pm

All affiliates are invited to participate in the open trials.

Participants must be SINGAPORE CITIZENS and members of affiliates of the STF.

Please fill in the attached form and submit it to the Secretariat by Thursday 13 December 2013We reserve the right not to accept late submission. There is no limit to the number of players you can field.

Registered players for the trials are to report at the STF National Training Centre by 11.00am for weigh-in.Players shall be considered for the category based on their actual weight on that day of the weigh-in and not according to the weight submitted in the form as we do not want to disqualify any players. No weight allowance will be given.

Shortlisted players will be required to fulfill the training requirements averaging 12 hours per week to qualify for the final selection which is scheduled to be held in January 2013.

The panel of selectors will comprise any 3 of the following senior technical members.

–          Mr Lim Teong Chin

–          Mr Steven Soh

–          Mr Chin Khee Shin

–          Mr RA Jeyaraman

–          Mr Lee Thiam Poh

–          Mr Tan Kok Heng

The selection trial registration and player’s undertaking forms are attached. The player’s undertaking forms must be signed by parents for players under the age of 21 years old. Players will not be allowed to participate in the trials if they do not comply with the administrative requirements.

The trials would be open for observation by participants and their accompanying coaches only.

STF President Attends WTF Council Meeting


STF President Milan Kwee attended the Extraordinary WTF Council Meeting held on 12 Novemeber 2012 in Santa Cruz, Aruba before two major events – the 3rd WTF World Para-Taekwondo Championships and the WTF World Cup Taekwondo Team Championships.

Among other things, the meeting approved the appointment of Aïcha Garad Ali, President of the National Olympic Council of Dijoubti and gave the rights to Indonesia to host the 2013 WTF World Taekwondo Poomsae Championships in Bali.

The Council also had no objection to the membership applications of three countries – Curacao, South Sudan and Sierra Leone. If the applications are endorsed by the General Assembly next year, WTF membership will increase to 204.

Azerbaijan took the overall title for the Para-Taekwondo Championships while China and Korea took the women’s and men’s titles respectively for the Team Championships.

National Demonstration-Style Tournament


The 1st National Demonstration-Style Tournament which attracts over 210 participants will be staged on Saturday 15 December 2012 at 1.30pm at Toa Payoh Sports Hall.

The one-day event will feature speed kicking, high jumping and power breaking. Simply put, it is about being faster, higher and stronger than the next competitor. It is an event not to be missed.

Be at the venue on the competition day to support the competitors. If not, be there just to enjoy the free show.

For the event, all examiners and some selected referees will be invited to officiate. They will be briefed on the rules and regulations of the competition.  

The Singapore Taekwondo Federation would like to put on record its appreciation to Liang Seng Sports Equipment for kindly sponsoring all the breaking materials for the event.