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Venue for Poomsae Coach Upgrading Course


The venue for the Poomsae Upgrading Course has been confirmed.

It will be held at the STF National Training Centre at Block 80 Lorong Limau #04-191 Singapore 320080.

A Different Experience for the Audience


2012 World Tour ‘TAL’ took the performers to 11 countries to showcase their fantastic skills and artistry. Singapore was one of the stops. And the event was part of the 2012 Korea Festival organized by the Korea Embassy of Singapore.

As the event was supported by the Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF), the Management decided to purchase tickets for regular volunteers of the organization. Those who picked up their tickets certainly did not regret doing so as they had a great time.

In appreciation of the support of the STF, HE Oh Joon presented Mr Milan Kwee, STF President, with framed posters of the event.

The show provided a different way of presenting the beauty and uniqueness of taekwondo. It highlighted extreme taekwondo performance with a storyline which was simply about the eventual victory of good over evil. If kicking, punching and breaking were not enough, the audience had a complete entertainment for the night as they were treated to Korean music and dance and mesmerized by the electrifying drum performance.

At the end of the show, the audience had plenty of photo opportunities with the stars. Sure enough, many took pictures with the performers and some took autographed planks.

NCAP Taekwondo (Level 1) Technical Course


The NCAP (Level 1) Technical course will be held on 24 & 25 November 2012 and 1, 2 & 9 December 2012 at the STF National Training Centre.

The primary objective of the course is to provide basic knowledge of coaching taekwondo skills. On completing the course, participants will be able to organize practice sessions which are safe and challenging for taekwondo athletes.

Additional information on the course and the registration form are attached.

‘Dan’ Promotion Course Results


The results of the ‘dan’ promotion test held on 13 October 2012 are attached.

Only those with passes for all the components – that is, basic, poomsae, sparring and self-defence or feats, theory or thesis will be considered as having granted their promotion.

Those who fail to clear all components will be required to go for a retest on Saturday 3 November 2012 at 5.00pm at the STF National Training Centre. They will be evaluated only on the component(s) they failed.

Please register for the retest with the Secretariat at 6345 1491 by Wednesday 31 October 2012.

Those who are required to submit their thesis must do so by Friday 16 November 2012.

The Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) salutes all the candidates for the tremendous effort they demonstrated during the training and grading and congratulates all successful candidates.

Collect Your ‘TAL’ Tickets Now!


All regular national referees are  requested to collect their ‘TAL’ tickets from STF Secretariat. As there are only a limited number of tickets left, they will be issued on a first-come first-served.

You will be eligible for the  tickets if you satisfy ONE of the following criteria

  • Officiated at least two days in the 2012 national kyorugi championships.
  • Officiated at least two days in the 2012 national poomsae championships.
  • Officiated at least two days in the national inter-school.

Volunteers who have been inadvertently left out may approach their respective Chairmen for the tickets.

Be Part of the First National Demonstration Tourney


The Singapore Taekwondo Federation will be organizing the inaugural National Demonstration Taekwondo Championships on 15 and 16 December 2012 at Toa Payoh Sports Hall.

The Singapore Taekwondo Federation will be organizing the inaugural National Demonstration Taekwondo Championships on 15 and 16 December 2012 at Toa Payoh Sports Hall.

The multi-events tournament includes Creative Poomsae and Taekwondo Aerobics for junior belts from White 9 & above.

There are also breaking events for black belts holders.

The tournament information, outlines and registration forms are attached.

Please encourage your members to participate and be part of this inaugural Championships.

Kyorugi Referee Pomotion


After having met the requirements
for promotion, Nah Kok Peng was pomoted to 2nd Class National
Kyorugi Referee with effect from 12 October 2012,

As a 3rd class referee,
Kok Peng had officiated in 3 national championships and other smaller

All national referees are
encouraged to officiate in as many tournaments as possible to improve their refereeing
skills and enhance their experiences.

39th National Kyorugi Championships Results


The 39th National Taekwondo Kyorugi Championships were successfully held on 22, 23, 29 & 30 September 2012 at Yishun Sports Hall.

The STF would like to thank all participating affiliates for making the event possible.

The overall results of the tournament are attached.

Kyorugi Referee Promotion


We are pleased to announce that Melvin Low Zi Ping has been promoted from 3rd to 2nd class National Kyorugi Referee.

He has satisfied the requirements for promotion.

National referees (Kyorugi or Poomsae) are urged to apply for promotion. Promotion is not automatic.

Free Tickets for Regular Volunteers


In appreciation of the outstanding
contributions of volunteers, the Singapore Taekwondo Federation will be giving
free tickets for the stage show, ‘TAL’, which has been billed extreme taekwondo

All Chairmen of the various
Committees are requested to submit a list of their REGULAR volunteers to the
office by Friday 12 October 2012 for consideration.

If you are one of them and feel
that you may be left out, please call your respective Chairmen.